Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Recently I've come to some sort of personal epiphany. If you've read my previous posts you know I'm a hopeless romantic & I have always believed there is a special someone for everyone out in this big beautiful world of ours. I have fallen in love a few times in my life so far that were all beautiful short lived romances. I have no regrets & cherish the good memories that were made from those relationships. So my recent epiphany, is about that fairy tale kinda love. Love at first sight, the butterflies, heart skipping a beat, sweaty palms, never getting sick of looking into that special someone's eyes, irritating your friends because your just so damn cute together type of love. Where everything just flows.. I'm beginning to see the bigger picture and I believe it exists to a certain degree. I believe it is what you make of it, and nothing is easy especially relationships. I think we've been programmed by movies & what not to believe its all rainbows & roses. And I've always searched for that exact love, but only have come close. Something was always off or I found something not right or matching what my fairy tale consisted of. I believe that we search so hard for something that beautiful that we sometimes pass up something that has the potential to be just that. If we don't fall madly and deeply in love right away or have all of the above feelings we question if this person is "the one" for us. Atleast I do and have plenty of times. My new outlook goes along with my belief that we should live in the moment & not worry about the past or the future. If we find someone that we admire, adore, enjoy their company, love them for who they are, and they are reciprocal to your feelings, we need to grab hold & not let go. We need to embrace the love & companionship that person is offering us at that very moment & not worry about the rest. Just let things happen the way the universe has planned for us, the frequency we have already put out there to receive love into our lives is set forth & in motion if you have someone right in front of you. Maybe it's not picture perfect & rainbows and roses, but nothing is. True Love is unconditional, and should not be judged and picked apart. To have that fairy tale, your fairy tale with someone you must first build a solid foundation. That consists of learning about each others likes & dislikes. Their fears, joys, what makes them smile. Building trust with that person & communicating what your passions are and what you want out of life. That is where your fairy tale begins. Maybe that relationship doesn't last a lifetime, or even a year for that matter. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it while you have it and look back and say, "wow, that was a really amazing feeling" and cherish those memories. My point, just because it's not magical in the beginning doesn't mean it's not ever going to be. The real magic is being able to share that time with someone and love them. This doesn't mean that your settling. Unless you know damn well this person is not right for you and you choose to avoid all the red flags to leave. Now that's another story in itself. So my advice to you, that I plan on taking as well.... Open your heart and love whoever comes into your life, and embrace the love that they give to you in return. You never know what magic awaits on that journey.... :)

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