Saturday, August 27, 2011

My New Chapter...

I have recently made a very big move all the way from Ohio to Las Vegas Nevada. Since I made this decision, I have not once felt scared to do this. I was nervous, anxious, excited, and intrigued... I came to Las Vegas in June to visit a very good friend and to gain a perspective of who I was and wanted to be. Within that week I had so many amazing things happen to me to lead me in the right direction. I discovered I am interested in Photo Journalism, I lost my fear of success, which held me back for far too long. I also became more confident in my ability to succeed and go after what my passions are. Without this unexpected last minute trip, I believe I would have discovered all these things, it would of just taken me a little longer. It's funny to me how when you step back and are conscious of what is happening in your life how you can actually see the universe working its magic for you. I have had doors close in my life while other doors were beginning to open up to show me where my new journey would begin. That is how I ended up in Vegas. I now live with the friend who I came to visit, who I am in debt to for giving me such an amazing opportunity in my life when I needed it most. I plan to write books, shoot amazing photography and show my work in a gallery here in town,  and most of all live life to the fullest. I feel so blessed right now, words cannot express this absolute content, at peace feeling deep down inside of me.I am grateful to my very best friends Annie and Emily for driving across the country with me to help me start my new chapter. They are amazing friends that are my Anam Cara (soul friends) for life.  I'm grateful that I have been an avid believer in "The Secret" and "The Power of Now". I truly believe our instinctual feelings can and will lead us to great things as long as we take a moment to listen when the wind blows. Take a moment and listen to your instincts...where is the universe taking you?

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