Sunday, January 30, 2011

That word we all know...Drama

So the word "DRAMA" tends to aggravate those who thrive on it. It hits home with so many people nowadays, we all have some type of drama in our lives. Everyone's outlook on Drama is quite different. Some may say someone who is very boisterous and loud when they talk is dramatic, you know that one person everyone knows, that just the mere thought of them makes you roll your eyes? It's also the person you know that if you engage in a conversation with, your never going to get a word in edgewise because they always seem to have soooo much going on! Yet they'll tell you fifty times during the conversation that they have no time for themselves or to get everything they need to do done. Then there's the typical "Drama Queen" who loves to stir up the dust when things get a little to boring for them. They are the people who can't stand normalcy and need constant chaos around them to feel ok. When there isn't anything chaotic going on they are the one's who dig for something from others and exaggerate it or pass it on like a viral infection that just won't go away.
Alot of the reasons why we are all attracted to drama, some more than others, is because it gives us an excuse to forget about our problems. Let's face it, we all have important life issues that we are all dealing with on a daily basis. Letting drama into our lives gives us that smoke screen that let's us put off or ignore the real issues. Some people choose to have friends that are drama. They actually attract and are attracted to only people who are very dramatic in nature. I believe they are this way because it provides them with the excitement in their lives that they need, and the escape from dealing with their own issues. This is all at a safe distance also because they can cut it off when they choose to. It's kinda like the grandparents that love when the grand kids come over, but are glad that they aren't staying forever. So, according to their day they subconsciously choose which dramatic friend to engage in conversation with that day. For example, let's say there are problems at home and you just don't feel like dealing with it, and it's much easier to try and forget about it for the day. Well, this person would more than likely choose to talk to one of their friends who they know have something going on constantly.  They know they don't have to worry about talking about themselves, because they won't get a word in edgewise. This also explains the actions of the dramatic person in our lives as far as them calling their friends who they know will listen to everything they have to talk about.
Essentially, at times, we are all drama. Some just more so than others. As long as we realize how we relate to this issue, and our need for the chaos that drama brings to our lives, we can live with it harmoniously. There certainly are benefits to decreasing the drama in our lives though. Here are just some of the benefits:
~ It can reduce the psychological stress that ultimately exhausts us
~It can create energetic space in our lives to be able to be more creative
~It can give you time to have a better outlook on what issues your avoiding, and you can focus on resolving these issues.
~It can make us free to live in reality
~It can lead to more honest relationships
~It can free up more time to start moving forward in your life
If these aren't beneficial enough reasons to try and reduce the drama in your life, I dunno what could help you. We all just have to get to a breaking point where we're ready to realize that we could be living better more meaningful lives.

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